Recent News

Our newly completed Jerry Windle Event Center is now open for events! Please call us at 260-927-8022 or email us at to set up your event today!
Fantastic news! Winning any division on The Great Race is a remarkable achievement for the Youth Driving Program kids. The National Automotive and Truck Museum and Early Ford V-8 Museum mentors have spent countless hours working with and training these kids about the in's and out's of the Fords they drove across the country to victory.

Students from St. Louis Community College were among those competing with a 1950 Ford from the Early Ford V-8 Museum in a multi-state automobile race from St. Augustine, FL, to Colorado Springs, CO.

1950 Custom Deluxe Tudor Sedan Donated by Jeannette Hall of Virgina

1939 Ford Standard Tudor Sedan Donated by Marv Shetler of Oregon

The Labor Day Swap Meet was a success! Over 80 vendors gathered to sell their goods to crowds of people visiting from all over to celebrate the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival and Labor Day weekend. Gas tanks, hubcaps, and tires were sold in plenty. The Early Ford V-8 Foundation Museum did well on admissions for the weekend and sold many raffle tickets for the 1957 Ford Thunderbird. Overall it was a fun ACD Festival and Swap Meet week here at the museum, and we look forward to watching this event grow.

William and Mary Ann Whites donated a beautiful 1937 Deluxe 5-Window Coupe.

Bob and Judy Parmelee donated this genuine 1936 Mullins Red Cap Utility Trailer to the Museum.

Bill and Joann recently donated their beloved, stunning 1934 Roadster to the Museum.

This beautiful 1934 Phaeton was donated to the museum by the estate of the late Jay Hertz of New Mexico.